Preguntas de Los Niños
Cristina Fournier Beeche

Working with children made me understand many things. The questions that children ask are often a wonderful and simple synthesis of the great dilemmas. I remember a child asked me why there were people who didn't love them. My child, I told him, when a person has something that others do not understand, they feel afraid and become aggressive. It's like having a jewel that others desire. It is like the flower that sprouts in a garden and the first intention one has is to cut it, to hold it in one's hand. If you do so, you deprive her of the splendor of the day. Many times we act according to our feelings without considering the essence of the things we want. People do not take the time to study and have a complete view of what their actions can cause. Let the flower live its day. Let the flower bring its beauty and joy to the world.
By leaving that flower still, we also learn to allow other people their space and freedom. Ethics teaches us the value of what is essential: the universality of the common good. The common good not only belongs to humanity but also to every creature in the Universe. And above all, this common good is valued through contrast, plurality and variety.
We artists walk through life marveling at the world around us. We delight in observing the nature of things: the essence of what we want to represent. Many times we give the impression of being absent, crazy or distant. Our minds may be set on the next project. We visualize bringing to our immediate consciousness what we want to do. We feel it, we breathe it, we hear it, and it becomes even more painful and disturbing if we cannot achieve and bring to life what it has taken us many hours to bring from our subconscious to the surface of our lives.
This is about managing to express what has been in our imagination and subjecting to life and for posterity the moment lived, the person observed, the song that was sung; It becomes a very intense feeling. When the work of art is completed, the artist also becomes the architect of his own time and his own reality. Their work becomes a vehicle by which an era, a civilization, a society is measured. Each artist feels his moment intensely. His work, even unintentionally, becomes the witness of time.