Cristina Fournier Beeche

Life is a constant gift from God, and we often take what is given to us, without worry, without requiring any effort. However, every moment that passes never returns. You have to appreciate the moment at its fair value and treasure it! Life is nothing more than a moment in eternity!
Every time I paint something that I admire, I think that what I see in front of me is nothing more than a reflection of the great creation, suspended for a few moments in the course of my life.
Thanks to the brush, I become an extension of that creative force: all the inspiration and techniques learned become a fluid that passes through me, leaving a trace of that moment engraved on the fabric: Stronger and more lasting than the life of a rose . , with the memory of its ephemeral perfume.
This feeling is transferred to the empty canvas, like the breeze that comes through the open window, like the smile that links the moment of communication.
Art for me is that Universal smile, the treasured moment, a kaleidoscopic fraction of a complex reflection. A tiny spark of that great Fire, which burns through the ages without being consumed.
Cristina Fournier.